business theater show in Dresden

business theater

improv methods in business

To say yes, to be in the moment and to let creativity run wild. These are some of the principles of improvisational theater. But also in everyday professional life such an attitude can promote fruitful cooperation in the company.

For over ten years, our professional actors and trainers have been improvising on stages in Germany. Numerous customers benefited from our experience. Among them are Volkswagen AG, Deutsche Bahn AG, AOK Plus, Technische Universität Dresden, SOS Kinderdorf, Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH, Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG, GISA GmbH, Kinaesthetics-mlh GmbH, Landesarbeitsstelle Schule - Jugendhilfe Sachsen e.V., Sächsische Jugendstiftung and many more.

We are happy to work out an individual offer with you in order to optimally meet the needs of your employees. Here you can look at some sample offers: Example offers in business theater

What is improvisational theater ?

theater without script

Nobody knows what will happen on stage in the next moment - not even the actors themselves. Any action is born out of the moment, based on the suggestions of the audience and the creativity of the actors.
Depending on the format you will see: either a short amusing piece with a lot of wit and situational comedy – or a full-length play with a complex story line and interesting character development.

In order to make this possible, the actors train regularly to free their stream of associations, to be attentive to everything that is happening on stage (and in the audience) and to develop ideas together with the other players.

Of course, things do not always go smoothly with this endeavor. In improvisational theatre however it is a core element to play with the "mistakes" and to use them as enriching elements on stage. Essential for successful scenes is the interaction of the actors. "Let the other shine" is one of the principles in improvisation. The right balance between one`s own impulses and the support of the ideas of the co-players allows the spontaneous creation of a play, which is greater and more ingenious than the sum of all individual contributions.

Offers for business theater

conference theater

Increase the sustainability of your conference with a theatrical reflection. We are there all the time and summarize the contents through a small humorous play at the end of the day.

Team building

Our many years of experience as actors and trainers make it possible to enable the group to develop a space for new ideas.

Status training

The status training focuses on your personal appearance. Your embodied status defines whether you appear to be self-confident or insecure, dominant or subservient, smug or likeable. Learn to apply status deliberately.

Firmenevent digital

Homeoffice und Abstandsregeln halten uns auf Abstand. Gerade in diesen Zeiten ist es besonders wichtig, gemeinsame Erlebnisse zu teilen.

business theater training in dresden

"Thank you."

"Finally, a workshop that is different - entertaining, exciting, compact."


"I think it`s good that you can take a day out of the everyday IT business and to gain knowledge on softskills - in a relaxed way. I am looking forward to more of that!"


"The training has changed how I will look at and how I will handle one or the other situation. I feel better prepared for it now."


"For a team-building event, we were ready to engage in an experiment - a participatory improvisational theatre. We were surprised with a wonderfully refreshing performance of music and theatre as well as a great pinch of humor - all team members will remember this afternoon for a long time. "

business theater show in dresden


”Exactly what is needed after a busy meeting, I barely ever laughed like that.”

"On target."

"With wit, charm and creativity, Kulturhafen has brought the central issues that concern us to the point: The theatre show was the perfect way to start our discussion about university culture – it created a relaxed atmosphere and was inspiring and focused towards the topic at the same time. The TU Dresden says thank you to the Kulturhafen team for a great show! "


"The surprise appearance of Yes-oder-Nie! was extraordinary! Usually Yes-oder-Nie! performs improvisational theatre in order to get meetings or team-building events going. Marcus König, Valentin Reichert and Lorenz Fischer`s contribution was clearly the highlight of the evening and shortened the waiting time to the award ceremony. Whether the VR glasses that conjure up an ideal world in a haunted house, "Sharing is caring" in the context of a love triangle or the role of solar panels in buying a smartphone - the audience went wild."

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Our partners and customers

Technische Universität Dresden
Technische Universität Chemnitz
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Kultus
Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe
AOK Plus
Dresden International University
Deutsches Fraud Forum
Systemisches Institut Mittelsachsen
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Institut für Governance & Psychologie
Solana GmbH
Landesamt für Schule und Bildung
DKMS Life Science Lab
Engagementstiftung Sachsen
LierOn GmbH
Evangelische Hochschule Dresden
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Bildungswerk
Berufsverband für Integrations- und Berufssprachkurse e.V.
LSJ Servicestelle Schülerfirmen
Sächsische Landesvereinigung für Gesundheitsförderung
Bistum Dresden-Meissen
Dresdner Pflege- und Betreuungsverein e.V.
Treberhilfe Dresden e.V.
Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e.V.
Augenärztliches MVZ
Sonnenstrahl e.V. Dresden
LAG Schulsozialarbeit Sachsen e.V.
Kinderarche Sachsen e.V.
GG Striesen Pentacon e.V.
Elterninitiative für Menschen mit Behinderung und deren Familien Vogtland e.V.
Soziales Netzwerk Lausitz gemeinnützige GmbH

Contact us.

We will gladly work out an individual offer with you

Your contact person

Yes-oder-Nie! Team
  • Yes oder Nie! - Business Team
  • kontakt(-ät-)
  • +49 176 55 20 35 30
  • office hours: Tue - Sat, 10.00 - 11.00 a.m.

Contact form